Premium Listings and Banner Advertisement - Payments
Please select whether you want to pay for a Premium Listing or a particular Banner Ad and for the duration you want to advertise for.
You can pay via PayPal or if you don’t have or don’t want to pay with PayPal, you can use your Credit Card instead, by clicking on the button that says “Pay with Credit or Visa Debit Card” once you click the “Buy Now” button.
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Premium Listing Packages
The Premium Listing Advertising Package can be chosen from the drop down to the right. Please choose the length of advertising required and then click the “Buy Now” button.
Special Introductory Offer - ONLY $79 a Month!
SAVE BIG by choosing the 6 or 12 Month Packages!
Banner Advertising Packages
The Banner Advertising Package can be chosen from the drop down options below. Please choose the length of advertising required for a particular banner and then click the “Buy Now” button.